Email Governor

Email governance platform for Oracle Eloqua

Control email touch frequency and priority in just a few clicks.

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Email Governance Made Simple

Are you sending too many emails? Too often?

Leveraging the Email Governor™ will empower your organization to consistently implement email delivery policies into your Oracle Eloqua campaigns. This means that you can stay sensitive to your contact's overwhelming inbox while ensuring that your messages are still being delivered.

The Email Governor™ acts as a natural extension of the Campaign Canvas that enables you to configure governance schedules for your specific business needs, for example by region, channel, or business unit. You can also set up automatic contact removal policies, deliverability windows, and best of all, prioritize communication to ensure that critical messages get delivered on time.

The powerful reporting suite helps you understand what policies are working and what's missing the mark. Get a global view of your governance strategy as a whole or drill-down for a granular understanding of how a specific campaign or contact is being affected. The real-time visibility helps you to optimize your approach to ensure you're getting the most out of every email send.

Case Study: Combat Email Fatigue

Objective: Combat email fatigue by ensuring contacts are only receiving one email per day. Furthermore, each day send the highest priority message queued up for each contact.

Strategy: The Email Governor™ will validate that a contact has not received any emails today. If they have, the Email Governor™ will retry the send every day up to a set number of days in order to the find a window of opportunity to deliver the message. Configurable settings enable critical messages to be prioritized and delivered before other communication.

What Our Clients Are Saying
Rarely do you get a vendor that does exactly what they say they do. In this case, the Email Governor allows us to market across dozens of divisions/brands without negatively impacting customers' experience and sending them too many emails. It has increased our email effectiveness and reduced our opt-out rate.
Jeremie Audran, Broadcom

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